AMQP integrationΒΆ

Should you choose to use the AMQP queues to handle messaging with Junebug, when you specify the amqp_queue parameter when you configure the channel, the usage is as follows:

  • Inbound (mobile originated) messages are sent to the routing key of {amqp_queue}.inbound
  • Events are sent to the routing key of {amqp_queue}.event
  • Outbound (mobile terminated) messages will be fetched from queue {amqp_queue}.outbound

Remember to bind the routing key to your desired queue, and that the Exchange name defaults to vumi, else it you will not recieve the messages. Please have a look at for more information.

The data sent over AMQP is the standard Vumi data format.

An example of the data format is:

    "transport_name": "2427d857-688d-4cee-88d9-8e0e32dfdc13",
    "from_addr_type": null,
    "group": null,
    "from_addr": "",
    "timestamp": "2016-03-18 11:49:36.830534",
    "in_reply_to": null,
    "provider": null,
    "to_addr": "",
    "routing_metadata": {},
    "message_id": "a5d2800751f54b55a622e3965e1b71ec",
    "content": "a",
    "to_addr_type": null,
    "message_version": "20110921",
    "transport_type": "telnet",
    "helper_metadata": {
        "session_event": "resume"
    "transport_metadata": {},
    "session_event": "resume",
    "message_type": "user_message"