Command-line Reference

Junebug. A system for managing text messaging transports via a RESTful HTTP interface

usage: jb [-h] [--config CONFIG_FILENAME] [--interface INTERFACE]
          [--port PORT] [--log-file LOGFILE] [--sentry-dsn SENTRY_DSN]
          [--redis-host REDIS_HOST] [--redis-port REDIS_PORT]
          [--redis-db REDIS_DB] [--redis-password REDIS_PASS]
          [--amqp-host AMQP_HOST] [--amqp-vhost AMQP_VHOST]
          [--amqp-port AMQP_PORT] [--amqp-user AMQP_USER]
          [--amqp-password AMQP_PASS]
          [--inbound-message-ttl INBOUND_MESSAGE_TTL]
          [--outbound-message-ttl OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_TTL]
          [--allow-expired-replies] [--channels CHANNELS]
          [--replace-channels REPLACE_CHANNELS] [--routers ROUTERS]
          [--replace-routers REPLACE_ROUTERS] [--plugin PLUGINS]
          [--metric-window METRIC_WINDOW] [--logging-path LOGGING_PATH]
          [--log-rotate-size LOG_ROTATE_SIZE] [--max-log-files MAX_LOG_FILES]
          [--max-logs MAX_LOGS]
          [--rabbitmq-management-interface RABBITMQ_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE]

Named Arguments

--config, -c Path to config file. Optional. Command line options override config options
--interface, -i
 The interface to expose the API on. Defaults to “localhost”
--port, -p The port to expose the API on, defaults to “8080”
--log-file, -l The file to log to. Defaults to not logging to a file
--sentry-dsn, -sd
 The DSN to log exceptions to. Defaults to not logging
--redis-host, -redish
 The hostname of the redis instance. Defaults to “localhost”
--redis-port, -redisp
 The port of the redis instance. Defaults to “6379”
--redis-db, -redisdb
 The database to use for the redis instance. Defaults to “0”
--redis-password, -redispass
 The password to use for the redis instance. Defaults to “None”
--amqp-host, -amqph
 The hostname of the amqp endpoint. Defaults to “”
--amqp-vhost, -amqpvh
 The amqp vhost. Defaults to “/”
--amqp-port, -amqpp
 The port of the amqp endpoint. Defaults to “5672”
--amqp-user, -amqpu
 The username to use for the amqp auth. Defaults to “guest”
--amqp-password, -amqppass
 The password to use for the amqp auth. Defaults to “guest”
--inbound-message-ttl, -ittl
 The maximum time allowed to reply to a message (in seconds).Defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
--outbound-message-ttl, -ottl
 The maximum time allowed for events to arrive for messages (in seconds). Defaults to 172800 seconds (2 days)
--allow-expired-replies, -aer
 If enabled messages with a reply_to that arrive for which the original inbound cannot be found (possible of the TTL expiring) are sent as normal outbound messages.
--channels, -ch
 Add a mapping to the list of channels, in the format “channel_type:python_class”.
--replace-channels, -rch
 If True, replaces the default channels with `channels`. If False, adds `channels` to the list of default channels. Defaults to False.
--routers Add a mapping to the list of routers, in the format “router_type:python_class”.
 If True, replaces the default routers with `routers`. If False, adds `routers` to the list of default routers. Defaults to False.
--plugin, -pl Add a plugins to the list of plugins, as a json blob of the plugin config. Must contain a `type` key, with the full python class path of the plugin
--metric-window, -mw
 The size of each bucket (in seconds) to use for metrics. Defaults to 10 seconds.
--logging-path, -lp
 The path to place log files for each channel. Defaults to `logs/`
--log-rotate-size, -lrs
 The maximum size (in bytes) for each log file before it gets rotated. Defaults to 1000000.
--max-log-files, -mlf
 the maximum number of log files to keep before deleting old files. defaults to 5. 0 is unlimited.
--max-logs, -ml
 the maximum number of log entries to to allow to be fetched through the API. Defaults to 100.
--rabbitmq-management-interface, -rmi
 This should be the url string of the rabbitmq management interface. If set, the health of each individual queue will be checked. This is only available for RabbitMQ

We also have the following environment variables:

 Choose which twisted reactor to use for Junebug. Can be one of SELECT, POLL, KQUEUE, WFMO, IOCP or EPOLL.
 Set to true to disable logging to the command line for Junebug.